Trinity Episcopal Church Fishkill


Maybe it was a warm smiling face, a firm handshake, a generous hello and a quick “welcome to Trinity.” Maybe it was the service bulletin given, and possibly a suggestion where you might sit. Perhaps, as first time visitors, it was a particularly helpful greeting or encouragement, with an introduction to others in the congregation. A strong first impression was given that you were in a place of care and relationship.

Ushers play a critical role in that first important impression given to our visitors, and they display the ongoing welcome and care of fellow church members at worship.

It is hard to overstate the role of ushers in the worship life at Trinity. Standing near the front door, ushers meet and greet our visitors and church members. Ushers make sure service bulletins are available and help keep the narthex and sanctuary organized. Ushers ask for volunteers to carry the communion elements of wine and bread to the altar during the Offertory.

What are most often understood as “usher roles” are the collection of worship offerings and timely direction when to leave your pew for receiving communion. After the joyful singing of the last closing hymn and a stirring postlude, ushers go back into the sanctuary to check for order. Discarded bulletins and other items left behind are collected and removed. Hymnals and Books of Common Prayer are organized in each pew rack. Kneelers are pushed under the preceding pew, clearing the floor. Anything that makes the sanctuary tidy is encouraged.

Trinity has been a church blessed with a dedicated congregation and strong lay leadership throughout its history. Trinity depends on people called to serve it in different roles to make the worship service meaningful. Please consider joining Trinity’s usher team. Ushers are identified on the website’s Calendar Page and in the monthly newsletter published weeks in advance. It is easy to find the next Sunday service for which you are scheduled. If there are scheduling problems or your plans change, simply contact the Parish Office, notifying them of your substitute.