Trinity Episcopal Church Fishkill


An acolyte is a lay person who assists on the altar, and those at Trinity serve this important role in the worship service.

Responsibilities include carrying the cross in the procession and recession, lighting and extinguishing candles used during the service, ringing the bell outside the church before service, and assisting the preparation and conclusion of the Eucharist.

During the Eucharist, the acolytes distribute additional wine and wafers to the celebrant and Eucharistic Ministers. Acolytes also assist at weddings and funerals. They are most successful at their jobs when no one notices them.

Acolyte training is done throughout the year. It requires one month on the altar for the initial training and tapers down to serving approximately once every five or six weeks.

If you were an acolyte as a child and are interested is becoming one again, or if you never served on the altar and wonder what it is like, please feel free to contact the Parish Office. We always welcome new members into our family. It is a wonderful experience and one that will remain with you for the rest of your life.