Trinity Episcopal Church Fishkill

Programs & Activities


Church School – Children of all ages meet on Sunday mornings to engage in the “Godly Play” program before joining their parents during the Sunday service. Children also take part in outreach and social events.

Journey to Adulthood – Youth aged 12 and up meet to further their Christian education in preparation for confirmation and becoming adult Christians.

Adult Education/Rector’s Forum – Interested groups meet to discuss issues facing Christians in the world today. Activities may include guest speakers, outside reading, viewing audio-visual material, field trips or community events.


New Members – Volunteers that help bring new members into the life of Trinity by organizing communications for newcomers, hosting social events to introduce new people and helping to maintain contact information.

Mission Outreach – A committee that develops our annual outreach program encompassing local, national, and international projects. Organizes fundraising, provides education about various projects and does follow-up for each mission endeavor.

Pastoral Care – A group of volunteers that offers assistance and support to parishioners during life events such as births, deaths, illness and at other critical times.

Alleviating hunger – We organize and support various volunteer programs to provide emergency food to the local community.


Altar Guild – Volunteers are responsible for preparing the church for services and maintaining silverware, candles, other brass items, vestments and altar linens. The Altar Guild is also responsible for the Greening of the Church before Christmas and for the flower arrangements for worship services.

Eucharistic Ministers – Trained and licensed lay ministers assist the priest during worship services, lead the congregation in the Psalm and Prayers of the People, and administer the chalice during communion.

Lectors – Parishioners read the Old Testament and New Testament lessons during the worship service.

Acolytes – Youngsters, teens and young adults serve at Sunday and other worship services by leading the procession and assisting at the Altar.

Choir – Under the direction of the Music Director, a group of musicians provides appropriate vocal accompaniment for worship, and occasional instrumental accompaniment.

Ushers – Greet worshipers and welcome newcomers to services, provide worshipers with the service bulletin, collect alms during the Offertory, and tidy the church after services.


The Parish Life and Events Committee maintains the calendar for all events scheduled at Trinity. They organize the annual meeting and parish picnic, pot luck luncheons, and other parish events.